Will I be ok financially on my own?
Our goal as your financial planner is for you to be able to answer this question with a resounding yes. We'll work with you to understand all of the elements of your new financial landscape then use sophisticated cash flow tools to forecast your current position and predict your financial future. We can model different scenarios which reflect different decisions you might be weighing up. We can take responsibility for the ongoing management of your investments, pensions and retirement strategy so that you can get on building your new fulfilling future.
Dealing with finances scares me!
It's really common that one partner takes care of the finances so the prospect of doing it yourself can be daunting. We can support you through this transition and help you regain a feeling of control. If necessary we can literally sift through your paperwork in order to produce a crucial schedule of assets if you don't already have one. We'll write to all the providers on your behalf and get up to date information, putting us in a position to make decisions about what to do with existing assets. With our advice, guidance and support, you'll feel confident and capable of taking any necessary action.
Do I have to keep my late partner's financial advisor?
Their advisor may have be great, but no, not if you don't want to. Client agreements typically cease on death so you are free to work with whomever you choose. What is really important, with any of your professional advisors, be they legal, accounting or financial is that there is genuine connection, affinity and trust. Your relationship with your advisor could be life-long and the matters in question can be deeply personal, so it pays to do your homework, shop around and decide for yourself.
I am about to inherit, help!
Emotionally, inheritance can be complicated. We can simplify the financial components. We'll help you pinpoint what you might want to do with the inheritance, which will depend greatly on your own financial situation. For some that might mean you buying a house or some other significant purchase. For others it might mean you passing on the inheritance to your own children, necessitating a deed of variation. Or it could mean maximising your pension to get extra tax relief. Whatever it is, we will work with you to formulate a strategy that makes the most of your inheritance.
I'm confused about Inheritance Tax.
Inheritance Tax is a complex political football that gets kicked around regularly so is always liable to change. We can help you understand how Inheritance Tax affects you and what can be done about it. This may involve working with lawyers to posthumously change the terms of the will, in order to make better use of the available allowances and reduce any future tax liability.